Year: 2022

Shrek’s about me

Hey there. I am an Ogre that lives in a swamp. Also I’m happy all the time. My name is Shrek and I always like to live lonely in a kingdom far far away, and I love my swamp very much. I am a light  green skin Ogre that lives alone in a swamp far far away. I am super tall and I have long ears that pop out. I live alone in a swamp, and I mostly like showering in mud to keep me clean. I also like fish for my dinner. I have lived in my swamp for a long time. I have layers like an onion. I like food such as fish or toast, my favourite friend is Donkey who actually annoys me sometimes. And I have a beautiful wife named Fiona. I like eyeballs on toast.

Term 2 2022 – immersion assembly!

Hello my name is Chaun and today was my first day back at school.

Today we had an early immersion Assembly and half of the time it was boring, Team one was about finding a bee so they ran away from the bees. Team two’s item was about Pirates and navigating certain various landmarks, also the captain had to find some of the clothing with a compass. Team three did an item about who is smarter by answering questions about coding or navigation. The children won and now they are smarter than the teachers. Team four made a movie/item about QR codes to show their way around the school. Lastly Team five (My favorite team) made a story time about two robots and two kids (Latini and Rachelle) Michelle was the silly kid that was never paying attention (my teacher acted as that kid) Also Mrs Ilaoa came back from watching over her daughter (Ave maria) The Assembly was overall boring because I was still too tired.

Willow park fun day

Hello my name is chaun and yesterday me and team 5 went on a fun day to willow park, this was a fun trip with my friends. It was only a 30 minute drive there, there was a rec, an eating room, a little game room for table tennis and a park. Me and my friends mostly went to the rec for basketball, other people also had fun there. We also had food there such as pies and hot dogs. I liked the pies better because the mustard tasted odd (should’ve just used only tomato sauce), we could also bring our own snacks and my friend was begging to have my chips. The people there, Chris and Sue (I think that’s how you spell her name) that’s the helpers that were so happy when we came because they hadn’t seen anyone do their camp in a while due to covid. We went to the beach for an hour and a half, he and my friends made a giant whole and got hot and bored so we sat out for the rest of the beach time. We walked back and I had sand in my socks but after that I went to the rec again with friends.

Character Description

Name: Jason voorhees 


Description: He is 7 foot (estimation) and he likes to kill people for free time. He also carries a machete to eliminate people. He has had a terrifying backstory that’s why he’s the killer that he is. He has a ski mask so he doesn’t reveal his identity. He has a dirty jacket that was a part of his family. Everyone fears him whenever he approaches someone.

Hello my name is chaun and this task was about character descriptions. My choice was jason vorhees because I couldn’t think of anything else. Overall this was very fun and creative.


Hello my name is chaun and today I learnt about verbs individually. I learnt certain verbs such as past tense, present tense and furture tense. First i needed to learn the basics, then I started learning the complex learning. overall these were very fun to learn.