Tag: 2022


Hello my name is chaun and today I learnt about verbs individually. I learnt certain verbs such as past tense, present tense and furture tense. First i needed to learn the basics, then I started learning the complex learning. overall these were very fun to learn.

Forearm investigation!!

Hello my name is chaun and today I did an investigation on my forearm length. First we needed to measure out the whole classes forearm span with a ruler. next we needed to find the average size in year 8 boys and girls and year 7 boys and girls. I got help from my friends and we finished it with no hestation. overall this was super fun to do

Punctuation mastery

Hello my name is chaun and today this is my second writing task, It was about imporving on your punctuation, Such as Capital letters, Commas, Quotation marks and Apostrophe. First I had to correct various different questions with the right punctuations. Although it was long, it was also super easy.

Show not tell

Hello my name is chaun and today this was a blog about describing certain sentences to have more better writing. first i had to use 6 different simple sentences and i had to tell by describing it so it looks more descriptive. next i had to make my own simple sentences, i finished all of them. and overall this was super fun to learn.