Tag: Literacy

KPMG Trip!

Today a group of 31 kids went on a trip into a city for a office tour and some activities to the KPMG tower in auckland city. We left early in the morning around 9:00-9:10 am and it took around 20 minutes to get to our destination. First we had to go through an introduction with various amounts of people who work there. KPMG is all about accounting and fanancial advisors.

Next we went on an office tour around the whole building and all the floors looked exactly the same with a lot of office moniters and little cubic spaces for the meetings and zoom calls. we went in groups of 5-6-7 people and my group were the only year 8 boys group. We saw the CEO of the whole company doing a zoom call in one of the cubic rooms so he was isolated.

Next we went on several different floors with the same thing over and over again. We finished that and came back to this room called the infinity room and it is a room where the visitors come and/or hang out. We went in there for our morning tea and it was Sausage rolls with tomato sauce and scones with jam and whipped cream. it was super delicious.

We went and did our first activity and it was about photoshopping. so first we went and took a green screen picture in random costumes we found on a table and we could choose through a various amount of background pictures for our photoshop background. There was a photoshop profession who did all 31 of our pictures and we gave her a huge thank you after that.

Then we had our lunch staright after that. The lunch we got served Chicken tenders, Small burgers on sticks, Egg and lettuce salad (Which was surprisingly delicous) also we had fruit kebabs with more orange juice for a drink. We could also dive in for seconds if we were even more hungry.

The next activity we did was playdough making into a person so we could make an animation with photos of the playdough man moving constantly. I couldn’t finish it so I just played around with it. Finally we packed up and said a huge thank you to the staff of the company and overall, this was an amazing experience on seeing what it’s like to see what it’s like to be an accountant.

Literacy activity: Sour test

Today me and my literacy class did a fun activity and we did a blindfold taste test and I did it in my pair with my friend and we did a taste test with sour lollies but at the start we had no idea what it was. We had to slowly feel it in our hand and we used almost all our senses such as our feeling and/or smelling. My highlight was my friends trying to convince me into thinking it was gonna be something disgusting.

I tried 2 of them. One of them being blue (Probably meaning blueberry) and yellow (Probably meaning lemon) both of them tasted and felt the same as they were from the same branded company. It was shaped like a ball and had a sugar coating on it for the distinguished sour taste in your mouth although I had no reaction at all and overall I give the sour part a 5/10 for how sour it was. Also overall on how good it was, I give it a 9/10. My friend started crying beause it was too sour for him.

Year 8 leadership camp – Highlights!

Hello my name is Chaun and today I will explain my highlights at camp.

To start with here’s a little quote we learnt: (O le ala ile pule o le tautua) Which means. The path to leadership is through service.

Anyways here was one of my highlights. In our school leadership camp we had some fun activities like rockclimbing, Shooting or even scary stuff like a tall flying fox. My all time favorite from all of them has got to be the Archery and the Air rifles. I liked those ones because I’ve been expecting to shoot a gun for a long time (My team won the archery as we got 246 points with no bullseyes)

My second highlight of the camp was getting together with my friends and making new friends along the way. Even though most people got sick after camp (Also myself got sick) We still had loads and loads of fun at camp when we were well and healthy.

I had one more highlight at camp and it was overcoming my fears like heights when I had some turns o0n the flying fox. There were different types of ways you could go down, one was called the spiderman (You had to go down the flying fox upside down.)

I had one lowlight during camp and it was the rain all day that stopped us from having the confidence course. and it stopped us from having the campfire.

That was all of my highlights and lowlights of this camp. Overall I really enjoyed and wished I went back to enjoy with my friends again.  I hope the future year 8’s have lots of fun next year at camp and I hope they have more confidence for more stuff at the future camps.

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